Joanna Fiks
 psychotherapy online

How can I help you?

  • Dealing with emotions
  • Relationship problems
  • Couple Relationship 
  • Educational problems
  • Going through change
  • Going through loss / mourning
  • Difficulties related to stress
  • Burnout
  • Difficulties with acclimatization outside the country
  • Increasing the sense of self-confidence
  • Self-acceptance
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Help for ACA people
  • Friendly LGBT

About me

Joanna Fiks

I help people looking for self-development, willingness to change their lives for the better, who are in a stressful life situation.

In my work, I focus on the sphere of the client's needs and self-acceptance as well as understanding himself at the moment in which he is in life and on the client's relationship with the surrounding environment.

I mainly use a humanistic, holistic and systemic approach in my work. I am close to being "in the here and now" and mindfulness, which allows me to have a greater influence on my choices and behavior change. I rely on mindfulness and empathy, especially in the area of ​​the relationship between the client and the therapist - where at this point the client has a chance to better understand his conflicts and deficits, but also learn new ways of constructively satisfying needs and solving problems and being in a relationship.

I undergo regular supervision with PTP supervisors.

I am a pedagogue and psychotherapist, I have completed 4 years of training in the field of systemic psychotherapy and training in Gestalt body work and training in working with ACA people.

Since 2014, I have been gaining experience working in educational institutions - schools / counseling centers and foundations.

I worked as a lecturer at SWPS.

I deal with health prevention, personal development and therapy.

My diplomas:


Joanna Fiks

Psychotherapy Online

Reading room

Health as a new religion?

The pursuit of perfect health has all the characteristics of a religious cult, says a Swedish sociologist. Some "health-promoting" fashions can lead astray. Read more...

When healthy living becomes a compulsion

What should arouse our vigilance when our loved ones start to change their lives and introduce pro-health revolutions, says Joanna Fiks, a psychotherapist. Read more...

"Greeks complain a lot, but they have a great joy of life"

Joanna Fiks, psychotherapist and educator, lives in Greece on a daily basis. Although she can consult from anywhere in the world, she has no plans to leave Athens. Read more...

Polish therapist from Greece: one day tourists lie on the beach with a drink, the next they have to run away

The Greek islands are on fire. For tourists who came to Greece for a long-awaited and expensive holiday, it is a traumatic experience. According to Joanna Fiks, a Polish psychotherapist from Athens, the emotions that accompany them now will remain in them for some time. Read more...


Czuła przewodniczka. Kobieca droga do siebie.
Czuła przewodniczka. Kobieca droga do siebie.

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Żelazny Jan
Żelazny Jan

Robert Bly Więcej...

To, co musimy utracić, czyli miłość, złudzenia, zależności niemożliwe od spełnienia oczekiwania, których każdy z nas musi się wyrzec, by móc wzrastać
To, co musimy utracić...

Judith Viorst Więcej...

Stanowczo, łagodnie, bez lęku
Stanowczo, łagodnie, bez lęku

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Jak żyć żeby nie zwariować
Jak żyć żeby nie zwariować

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Porozumienie bez przemocy. O języku życia
Porozumienie bez przemocy

Marshall B. Rosenberg. Więcej...

Mindfulness dla zdrowia. Jak radzić sobie z bólem, stresem i zmęczeniem
Mindfulness dla zdrowia

Vidyamala Burch, Danny Penman Więcej...

Chorzy ze stresu. Problemy psychosomatyczne
Chorzy ze stresu

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Twoje kompetentne dziecko. Dlaczego powinniśmy traktować dzieci poważniej?
Twoje kompetentne dziecko

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Nastolatki. Kiedy kończy się wychowanie?
Nastolatki. Kiedy kończy się wychowanie?

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Wychowanie bez nagród i kar. Rodzicielstwo bezwarunkowe
Wychowanie bez nagród i kar

Alfie Kohn Więcej...

Uważność i spokój żabki
Uważność i spokój żabki

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Partnerstwo bliskości. Jak teoria więzi pomoże ci stworzyć szczęśliwy związek.
Partnerstwo bliskości. 

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5 języków miłości
5 języków miłości

Gary Chapman Więcej...


Medytacja na trudny czas - pozytywne afirmacje i spokój

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Android Apps

Meditation Music - Relax, Yoga

Take a deep breath. Release your stress. Relax & meditate with the best selection of HD Meditation Music to find inner peace and calmness. Join thousands of happy users and enjoy relaxing sounds and melodies today. Google Play

Prana Breath: Calm & Meditate

Dive into breathing techniques that are approved by ancient traditions, by modern science and by million+ of our users! Use the power of breathing and meditation to increase your mindfulness and live a better life. Google Play

Headspace: Mindful Meditation

Stress less, sleep soundly, and get happier. Learn to manage daily anxiety, rest easy and be kind to your mind with Headspace. Headspace is everyday mindfulness and meditation, so you can make mindfulness a daily habit.  Google Play

Insight Timer - Meditation App

The number 1 free meditation app. Guided meditations, sleep music tracks and talks led by the top meditation and mindfulness experts, neuroscientists, psychologists and teachers from Stanford, Harvard, the University of Oxford and more.  Google Play

iPhone Apps Meditation App

Guided calm & sleep meditation. The app is the trusted platform of over 1 million users. It's easy to start if you're new to Mindfulness or continuing to nurture your mindful practice.
App Store

Calm: Sleep & Meditation

Focus, Relax, Sounds, Health. Calm is the #1 app for sleep and meditation. Discover a happier, healthier you through our meditations, Sleep Stories, music, and more. App Store

The Mindfulness App

With over 400 guided meditations and courses from experts around the world, we have options for every mood, time of the day and for everyone from beginners to experienced. App Store

Headspace: Mindful Meditation

Stress less, sleep soundly, and get happier. Headspace is everyday mindfulness and meditation, so you can make mindfulness a daily habit and be kind to your mind. Learn how to relax, manage stress, find your focus, and release tension in both the mind and body. App Store


Joanna Fiks
psychotherapist, coach, instructor
working hours: Monday-Friday 10.00 AM - 9.00 PM

Phone (PL)

+48 505 075 270

Phone (GR)

+30 698 7838890


+48 505 075 270